You are invited to the opening of ‘“A” A for A Pavillion of Dreams’ in Fælledeparken

I am excited to invite you to the opening of my exhibition ‘“A” for A pavillion of Dreams’. The exhibition is a collaborative effort that I have done with Monograma and Superworld. Monograma is a CRYPTO ART 4 SOCIAL IMPACT project where 30% net sales goes to a DAO TREASURY FUND. SuperWorld is an augmented reality (AR) virtual world geographically mapped onto the real world allowing users to create, discover and monetize AR content. Together with Monograma I have made a new NFT that will be presented in their first series of drops. You can se the gif by clicking on the image above.

The work that I will present is a 3D sculpture that is shaped like an A. I chose A because I wanted to create a building like a 3D object. To me the A has the shape of a tent. It is a simple structure that in an elegant and balanced way creates shelter. At the same time the grid in the sculpture is communicating an interconnectedness between the rather fractalized surface of the object and its surroundings. The title of the sculpture is inspired by Harold Budd's ambient album “The Pavilion of Dreams” from 1978.

The exhibition consists of one 3D sculpture installed in Fælledeparken in Copenhagen from Saturday the 14th of August. You need to download the Superworld app and search for the sculpture in the park while having turned its AR function on.

I will be present in the park by the ice pavillion from 20:00 to 21:00 this Saturday and help those who come by experience the AR installation.

I hope to meet you in Fælledeparken this Saturday.

Video teaser of the A in the park.

Video teaser of the A in the park.

The Unprecedented

My July exhibition ‘The unprecedented’ in ARIUM is still up. For those of you who did not get the opportunity to see it I have made this video. You can still get the facinating experience of ‘The unprecedented’ by following this link:


invitation to  unprecedented 2.jpg
invitation to unprecidented.jpg

I still have three of the sculptures in the Unprecedented series for sale on Superrare. Follow the links bellow if you are interested in seeing them:

The unprecedented III/V

The unprecedented IV/V

The unprecedented V/V

What is happening next

I am in working on getting to publish more texts and interviews with leading NFT industry actors. I will tell you more about this in my next newsletter. Untill then follow me on instagram, twitter and subscribe to this newsletter to stay updated with my activities and the NFT space.

As always, get in contact if you would like to know more about my work or want to collaborate. Drop me an e-mail at mail@jonaskasperjensen.com

Thank you for reading.

Jonas Kasper Jensen

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My homepage www.jonaskasperjensen.com

Hello my name is Jonas Kasper Jensen, I am an nonbinary artist who works in the intersection of NFT-art, digital-art, painting and sound-art.


New tokenized digital art:

A kopier.jpg

“A” for A pavillion of Dreams



02colorssmall kopier square.jpg



The Longevity Divide


The unprecedented